Our environmental policy


Midnight Bussing has a firm policy to work to minimize the environmental effects caused by the services offered. This we strive to do by recycling and using environmentally friendly consumables, fuels, oils etc.
When conducting maintenance work and investing in new vehicles our guiding principle is to put the environment aspect as the first priority.

Some examples of what we do now:

  • Use HVO / Bio diesel as far as possible.
  • Use retreaded tyres free of HA oil as far as possible.
  • Recycle cans, pets and bottles.
  • Use low energy consumption washing machines.
  • Use biological decomposable washing powders.
  • Train drivers in ECO driving.
  • Use train before flight’s for flights when planing for driver & double driver transports.
  • Use biological decomposable garbage bags.
  • Use biological decomposable cleansers.
  • Only wash vehicles at car wash stations who’s recycle water and use biological decomposable degreasers etc.
  • As far as possible use LED’s and other. low energy lamps.
  • Use latest IT technology to minimize the consumption of paper.
  • Always offer ecological alternatives when our catering services are requested.
  • As far as possible Use carry on grocery and glassware to avoid single use of plastics
  • Water sealed toilets minimize Use of wc chemicals.
  • Of course there is so much more that we could do – we would highly appreciate any suggestions that you may have. Please email: bm@midnight-bussing.se with your suggestions.